Paddington 2, the sequel to the 2015 movie about the fictional beloved British bear, has beaten out Toy Story 2 as the best-reviewed film of all time on Rotten Tomatoes. The movie, which premiered in the US last weekend, earned 165 positive reviews and counting without receiving a single negative review. Toy Story 2 previously held the record with 163 straight “Fresh” reviews and remarkably, no “Rotten” reviews, after nearly 20 years. Like the 1999 Pixar predecessor,Paddington 2 is one of the rare sequels that outshines its original.
《帕丁顿熊2》打败《玩具总动员2》,成为烂番茄网站评价最高的影片。该片是2015年《帕丁顿熊》的续集,这部影片讲述了一只人见人爱的小熊在英国的经历。《帕丁顿熊2》上周在美国首映,得到了165个好评,而没有收到一个差评。此前这一纪录的保持者是《玩具总动员2》,收到了163个“鲜”评,没有一个“烂”评。这一纪录保持了近20年。就像1999年皮克斯发布的《玩具总动员2》一样,《帕丁顿熊2》也是少见的续集比原作更胜一筹的作品。Only four movies hold a perfect score with over 100 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes at the moment, and Paddington 2 has the most reviews of all of them, Rotten Tomatoes said.
据烂番茄网站介绍,目前网站上只有四部电影收到了超过100个“新鲜”评价,其中《帕丁顿熊2》得到的“新鲜”评价最多。Greta Gerwig’s Oscar-worthy coming-of-age masterpiece Lady Bird held the record briefly in 2017, but lost it when—after 196 Fresh reviews—it received a single Rotten one.
That’s how easy it is to ruin a perfect run on Rotten Tomatoes. All it takes is a contrarian critic or, in Lady Bird’s case, a reviewer who had a mixed reaction and didn’t think the movie deserved to rank among the best films of all time.
所以要想在烂番茄保持完美的零差评纪录太不容易了,只要有一个影评人持不同意见就前功尽弃。在《伯德小姐》这个例子中,有位影评人意见不一,不认为这部影片应该排在史上最佳影片之列。Despite the acclaim, Paddington 2 hasn’t broken any box-office records. It opened with $11 million in the North America last weekend, and was only the 7th highest grossing movie in the market that weekend. That’s less than the nearly $19 million Paddington opened with in 2015, and the $57 million Toy Story 2 opened with when it went wide in 1999, based on Box Office Mojo data.
尽管口碑爆棚,《帕丁顿熊2》却还没有打破任何票房纪录。影片上周末在北美票房为1100万美元,在周末票房榜上仅居第七。根据Mojo票房统计网站的数据,这比2015年第一部影片上映时的1900万美元票房要少得多。1999年《玩具总动员2》上映时票房达到5700万美元。一起来看看烂番茄网站的影评人是如何评价的:There are slapstick hijinks and silly scenarios aplenty, but at its heart Paddington 2 has something serious to say about making the world a better place through daily acts of kindness. – Barbara VanDeburgh, Arizona Republic
剧中有狂欢打闹也有很多没头脑的情节,但从本质来说,《帕丁顿熊2》告诉了我们,通过每日善举我们就能让世界更加美好。 --芭芭拉•范德伯格《亚利桑那共和报》This is a film of such open-hearted joy and grace, which feels rare in an industry that often embraces cynicism and sarcasm, including in its children’s stories. – David Sims, The Atlantic
影片让人开怀大笑,极富魅力,在如今即便是儿童片也充斥着冷嘲热讽的电影行业堪称一股清流。 --大卫•西姆斯《大西洋月刊》Paddington 2 is The Godfather Part II of Peruvian bear movies, a sequel that surpasses the superb original. – Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal
休•格兰特在影片中的表现也饱受好评:Could it be that Hugh Grant was born to play a villainous dandy in a kid’s movie? – Stephanie Merry, Washington Post
难道休•格兰特生来就是要在一部儿童片中扮演坏叔叔的吗?--斯蒂芬妮•玛丽《华盛顿邮报》The sequel has the same tone as the original but is livelier and funnier, mostly due to Hugh Grant, who gleams as the bad guy. – Jody Mitori, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
这部续集和第一部基调一致,但更活泼有趣,这主要是休•格兰特的功劳,他把坏人演活了。--乔迪•米特里《圣路易斯邮报》While we wish this beary prestigious honor could last forever, it is likely it'll only be a matter of time before Paddington 2 follows the same pattern as Lady Bird. But, regardless, Paddington 2 will always be the best reviewed film... of our hearts.