在浏览雅思考生的考场回忆时同学们常常会说自己的part2只说了一分钟,后面都是大冷场,没有足够的话语回应。造成雅思考场上无话可说的原因是什么,怎雅思口语考试冷场怎么办呢?如何避免口语考试冷场呢?一起看看吧~雅思口语无话可说原因其一,面对很多话题,同学们只能说出寥寥数语,而且绝大多数同学所说的内容基本雷同。如 a famous animal in China,中国学生的标准答案就是panda,而且关于panda,同学们除了说出 It has white body and black eyes或者It's cute之外,几乎没有区别于其他同学的内容。现在小编就给大家说说2个制胜法宝吧!
如何避免口语考试冷场一:Useful said
Could you please rephrase that question/ topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
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I can’t think of anything else right now…
如何避免口语考试冷场二:You can state you have finished by saying:
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