Translation, speaking, implies rendering from one language into another of something written or spoken. It is, essentially the faithful representation, in one language of what is written or spoken in another. It is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL-the source language) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL-target language).翻译,说起来其实是指把一种语言翻译成另一种口头或书面的文字。在这个语言转换的过程中,翻译的实质是对原来语言最忠诚的描绘。翻译是等价目标语言对其源语言的替换。
1) A translator must be well acquainted with the source language. We are inclined to feel too confident of our comprehension when we are reading foreign literary works. We think we know it from A to Z, yet, when we start translating it we find it difficult and there are many points misunderstood. We are playing the fool with ourselves because of careless reading. Therefore, translation serves as the best possible approach to the study of foreign languages.
2) A translator must be well acquainted with the target language. Let's take Yan Fu for instance: When Yan Fu, a famous translator in the Qing Dynasty, was translating "Evolution and Ethics and other Essays", the title turned out to be the crux that caused him to cudgel his brains day and night and look pale for it. His wife worried very much and thought about the representation of the title for quite time and eventually had it translated into《天演论》which has since deserved high praise up till now.
3) A translator must be armed with necessary professional knowledge.
4) A translator must be armed with the ability to live his part. As famous play writer Maryann pointed out: "a translator must enter into the spirit of character (regard himself as one that plays a role in a play). That is to say, he seems
1. present at the very spot.
1. 亲临其境
2. involved in the very occurrence.
2. 亲临其事
3. witnessing the very parties concerned.
3. 亲睹其人
4. interating the very utterances.
4. 亲道其法
5. experiencing the very joy and annoy.
5. 亲尝其甘,亲领其苦
6. sharing the very weal and woe.
6. 亲享其福,亲受其哀
7. partaking of the glee and grief.
7. 亲得其乐,亲感其悲
5) A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination. "Toiling yourself and endure hardship for obtaining a well-chosen word" just as the famous poet Du Fu did "Never give up until an amazing poetic masterpiece is gained".
一个好的译者必须具备出色的表达力和生动的想象力。“为求一字稳,耐得五更寒” ,好的译者还需要像诗圣杜甫那样具有“语不惊人死不休”的精神与毅力。