如今很多人毕业后不愿意参加同学会(Class Reunion Party),或者因为自己混的不好,因为同学会上自己相熟的人不回去感觉无聊。你会参加同学会吗?Nowadays, any people are becoming reluctant to attend alumni or class reunion parties after graduation. Shouldn't it be happy to see your good old friends in university or high school again? What makes people afraid of such parties?
On average about 20% to 30% of your graduating class will attend your class reunion. Attendance at reunions varies from class to class and one of the best ways to guesstimate how many will attend yours is to ask the alumni office for historical numbers.
Class reunion attendance depends on four factors.
*How strong the class reunion planning committee is in searching, and subsequently engaging potential attendees is.
*How strong the class reunion planning committee is in searching, and subsequently engaging potential attendees is.
*The milestone number is another factor. Whether it is the 15th reunion or the 50th reunion makes a big difference in attendance.
*The last factor and one that you cannot control is how strong a program your school has with their alumni. Some schools regularly have a 30-40% attendance at their class reunions while others are in the teens.
Class size is yet another indicator of attendance. Typically, a small graduating class can see a 50% turnout at a school like Mount Royal University.
原来,聚会的时候原宿舍的同学都会晒出自己孩子的照片,并会得意地说已经进入了南京某某重点中学,此外,原本应该是和老同学叙旧的话题, 夹着太多太多“比拼”的成分,比完房子比工作、比完孩子比老公,总之是一一“比拼”。