《老爸老妈浪漫史》S01E14学习笔记(第五部分) Barney: Oh, come on, you have been throwing yourself at me all night.解析:throw yourself at somebody:to try very hard to attract someone's attention because you want to have a sexual relationship with them 勾引 2. Lily: I guess our relationship had to take a hit so a new one out there could blossom. 我们做出牺牲,外边那两人才能更进一步。解析:(1)take a hit:to be badly affected in some way 例:The region's economy will take a hit if the airbase is closed.(这个空军基地如果关闭掉,这个地区的经济将大受影响。)His pride took a hit.(他的傲气遭受打击了。)The company took a public relations hit when it lost the lawsuit.(输了这个官司,公司的形象大受影响。)解析:check:to ask someone whether something is correct, true, or allowed : 例:I'm not authorized to give you a refund - I'll have to check first.(我没有权利直接退钱给你,我要先去问问看。) I'm not sure when you should arrive. I'll have to check that with my wife.(我不知道你几点到比较好,我去问问我太太。)Make a phone call to check that you're writing to the right person.(打个电话问问看你的信是不是寄给了该寄的人。) Call the factory to check whether the beds can be delivered today.(给定制床铺的工厂打个电话,问问床铺能不能今天送来。) Check with your doctor before going on a diet.(在减肥之前问问医生的意见。) I'll have to check with the manager before I can let you in.(我要先跟经理说一声,才能让你进来。)She took a big financial hit when the stock market fell.(股市大跌,她损失很大。) (2)blossom:v. 原意是“开花”,这里是''to change, grow and develop fully''的意思。例:Their friendship began to blossom during the summer.(今年夏天,他们的友谊更进一步了。)Their friendship blossomed into romance.(他们从友情发展成爱情。)a blossoming romance(感情更进一步) 2. Barney: But I have thought about it for three seconds, and it makes a lot of sense. 我考虑了三秒钟,觉得这个想法非常靠谱。We both think the marriage-commitment thing's a drag. 我们都非常讨厌结婚啊承诺啊什么的。解析:(1)make sense: to be reasonable例:It makes little/no sense to continue.(=there is little/no point in continuing)(没理由再继续下去了。)It makes sense to leave early to avoid traffic.(早点出发避开高峰期,很有道理。)Why did she do a thing like that? It doesn't seem to make sense.(她为什么要做那种事啊?没理由啊!) (2)a drag:something or someone that is boring, annoying or disappointing备注:''a drag''是非正式的用法。例:Don't be such a drag! Come to the party.(别这么扫兴了,来参加聚会吧!) It's a real drag having to travel so far to work every day.(每天上班这么远真讨厌。)My parents can be such a drag. They won't let me do anything.(我爸妈太讨厌了,他们什么都不让我做。) These meetings are a total drag.(这些会太无聊了。) Barney: I checked with Ted.