巧媚飞舞 发表于 2016-5-10 16:48:58


李子,英文学名是plum。音译就是我们常说的“布林”,叫黑加仑、黑布林都可以。自古被列为“五果”之首,口味甘甜不说,它的五大隐藏健康功能属性(5 health benefits of eating plums),还是让哈佛大学健康研究中心研究成果来告诉你吧!
1. Protect your heart
1. 保护心脏

One medium-sized fresh plum contains 113 mg of potassium, a mineral that helps manage high blood pressure and reduce stroke risk. If that isn’t heartwarming enough, the reddish-blue pigment in some plums, called anthocyanins, may protect against cancer by mopping up harmful free radicals.

2. Keep your bowels regular
2. 维持肠道功能

Dried plums—a.k.a. prunes—are a tried-and-true way to help your bowel do its work (each prune has one gram of fibre).

3. Lower blood sugar
3. 降低血糖

According to the Dietitians of Canada, plums rank low on the glycemic index, which means eating them can help you control your blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Boost bone health
4. 促进骨骼健康

Researchers from Florida State and Oklahoma State universities tested two groups of postmenopausal women over the span of 12 months for bone density. One group ate 100 grams of prunes per day (about 10 prunes); the other ate 100 grams of dried apples. Both groups took calcium and vitamin D supplements. The findings indicated that the prune group had substantially higher bone mineral density in the spine and forearms.

5. Improve your memory
5. 提高记忆力

Did you know that eating three to four antioxidant-rich prunes a day can help neutralize cell-damaging free radicals that affect your memory? Now that’s sharp snacking!
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查看完整版本: 我们来聊聊美队男友,李子,它的五大隐藏健康功能属性