1. Marshall: Two days straight?!解析:straight: adv. happening one after the other in a series, without interruption例: He's been without sleep now for three days straight.(他已经连续三天没睡觉了。) The rescue crew has been working for three days straight.(救援人员已经连续工作三天了。)The baby slept straight through the night.(孩子一夜睡到天亮。)Since no one objected to her plan, she went straight on to talk about how to begin.(既然无人反对她的计划,她就紧接着讲怎么实施这个计划。) 1. Ted: Guys, we just met. And we both screwed up relationships in the past by jumping in too quick, so we talked about it, and we decided to take this one slow. 我们才刚认识,我们俩之前都有操之过急而导致分手的经验,所以谈了以后,我们决定这次慢慢来。 Ted: I don't know, I'm really into this girl, and if going slow is what it takes to make this happen, I say bring it on. 我很喜欢她,如果想跟她在一起必须慢慢来,那就慢慢来好了。解析:(1)这段话里两个take,来看看有什么区别。① 第一个''take'': to deal with something例:Cases will be taken in order of importance.(重要的事先处理。)Let's take first things first.(事有轻重缓急,先做重要的事。)We'll see what happens and take it as it comes.(我们会根据情况,兵来将挡水来土掩。)I'll need a long time to recover, so I'm just taking it one day at a time.(我得好久才能好,所以过一天算一天,慢慢来。)②第二个''take'': need例:Do you have what it takes to do this job?(你做这份工作够资格吗?)The new color is nice, but it'll take some getting used to.(新颜色不错,但我得适应适应。)Be patient. These things take a lot of time.(耐心点,这些事很费时。)Keeping everyone happy does take a lot of doing.(想让大家都高兴可不容易。)Both of you should be punished for fighting. It takes two, you know.(你们俩都要受罚,你知道的,一个巴掌拍不响,也打不起来。)We'd like to continue negotiating, but it takes two to tango - we can't solve this problem by ourselves.(我们很想继续谈判,但是孤掌难鸣,我们单方面没法搞定。)(2)bring it on: used to say that you are prepared and willing to deal with something bad that is likely to happen 欣然接受备注:''bring it on''是非正式的用法。 1. Robin: Good news! I don't have to cover the cat show tomorrow night. Who's up for hanging out? 谁想一起出去玩?解析:(1)cover: to report the details of an event for a newspaper or a television or radio program 例:I'd just returned from covering the Cambodian war.(我刚报道完柬埔寨战争回来。)He is an experienced journalist who has covered several presidential campaigns.(他是个经验丰富的记者,已经报道过几次总统竞选了。)She covered political news for the network.(她在这个台播政治新闻。) (2)up for: willing to do something or interested in doing something备注:''up for''常用于口语中。例:I'm up for some Chinese food.(我想吃中餐。)Are you up for watching a movie?(想去看场电影吗?)We're going out dancing tonight. Are you up for it?(我们今晚要去跳舞。你有兴趣一起去吗?)We're going to the pub later - are you up for it?(我们稍后要去酒吧,你想一起去吗?) 以及本集后面:Barney: There is one other thing we could do. If you're up for it.(我们还有一件事可做,如果你有兴趣的话。) Are you up for watching a movie?(想去看场电影吗?)up for 这怎么用