兔斯基 发表于 2016-4-14 18:41:04



1. Might
Be careful when you tell people you"might" do something. Are you sure about that? No one is asking youto solve world peace. When you say you "might" finish a report, itimplies you lack some ability, don't manage your time well, or have too manypriorities.当你告诉别人“可能”做某事时要小心。你真的确定吗?没有人让你去维护世界和平。当你说你“可能”完成了一份报告,这就意味着你能力不足,不能有效地管理时间,或者有过多要处理的事情。

2. Won't
Here's an obvious word to avoid in youremails. Anyone who says he or she "won't" do something or"won't" attend a meeting is generating a negative vibe. Be moredecisive: Either accept an invitation or reject it; using the word won'tsuggests hesitancy.很显然要在邮件中避免使用这个词。那些说他或她“不会”做某事或“不会”参加会议的人是在制造一种消极的氛围。要更坚定一些:要么接受邀请要么拒绝;用这个词代表犹豫不决。

3. Usually
This is a trigger word in email that makesit obvious to everyone that you don't have all the facts. If you say theaccounting department "usually" doesn't approve your expense reportor the boss is "usually" late to work, it means you're stretching thetruth.这个词在邮件中会让每个人认为你没有掌握所有实际情况。如果你说财务部门“通常”不会通过你的支出报告或者老板“通常”上班迟到,这说明你在夸大事实。

4. Suspect
Unless you are talking about a suspect in atrial, avoid saying you "suspect" anything. You're not SherlockHolmes. Just use direct terms: You know an investor is pulling out of theproject, and here's why; or you have facts to support your conclusion on a newmarketing plan.除非你在讨论一个审判中的嫌疑人,否则不要说你“怀疑”某事。你不是福尔摩斯。就用那些直接的措辞:你知道投资者在退出项目,然后这里是原因;或者你有证据支撑你对一项新市场计划的结论。

5. Impossible
I'll bet Mark Zuckerberg has never used theword impossible in an email. The recipient will lose confidence in you quickly.State why something might be hard or difficult or just don't agree to a courseof action. Don't bother telling people it's impossible.我敢肯定马克·扎克伯格从来没在邮件中使用过“不可能”这个词。收件人会立即对你失去信心。陈述一件事为什么可能会很辛苦或困难,或者直接不同意某种做法。不要浪费时间告诉别人它是不可能的。

6. Worried
We all worry about the stresses of life.Telling people you are worried by email makes it seem as if you lack confidencein your abilities. If you are worried, don't bother saying that to anyone--justexpress what you are concerned about and offer solutions.我们都担心生活中的压力。如果在邮件里表明你很焦虑,就相当于表明你似乎对自己的能力缺乏自信。如果你感到担忧,不需要告诉任何人—只需要表达你担心什么,并提出解决措施。

7. Confused
Expressing your confusion will create evenmore confusion. It's better to just say what you are confused about and askquestions. Saying you are "confused" gives people the impression thateither you don't understand something or that the topic is confusing to you.表露你的困惑会产生更多的困惑。更好的做法是说出你困惑然后提出问题。表达你很“困惑”给别人留下的印象是:有些事你不明白,或者这个话题使你迷惑。

8. Need
We all have needs in life. When you expressthose needs by email over and over again, it makes you look needy. I"need" you to come to work early, I "need" you to get thatreport done. Avoid saying "need" and express requirements moredirectly.我们在生活中都有需求。当你重复在邮件中表达这些需求的时候,会使你看起来很需要帮助。我“需要”你早点来上班,我“需要”你完成这份报告。不要说“需要”,而是更直接地表达要求。

9. Quandary
Have you sent a message and said you werein a "quandary"? You should know that the word means you are in atotal state of perplexity. I mean, you are really perplexed. That's not oftenthe case when it comes to a new business proposal or fundraising round.你是否在邮件中说过自己’左右为难’?你应该知道这个词意味着你在一种完全困惑的状态。对,你真的不知所措。但在一份新的商业提案或融资过程中通常不是这种情况。

10. LikelyFew of us are in the business ofpredicting the future. If you say something is "likely" in an email,you are expressing to the recipient that you are not really sure about thetopic, and you don't have all the facts yet. It's likely that you just lackconfidence.


1. Tell me about yourself?1.向我介绍一下你自己。
2. What are your greatest strengths?2.你最大的优点是什么?
3. What are your greatest weakness?3.你最大的缺点是什么?
4. Why did you quit your last job?4.你为什么从上一份工作离职?
5. Why do you want to work here?5.你为什么想在这儿工作?
6. What do co-workers say about you?6.你的同事如何评价你?


1. Don't give a cop-out answer1. 不要回避问题

Please don't give tired answers like,"My greatest weakness is that I'm too much of aperfectionist/workaholic." Perhaps it is true for you, but unfortunately,it may bring false to the interviewer who is used to hearing these genericanswers that come off as a way to dodge the question.请不要给千篇一律的回答,比如:“我最大的缺点是过于追求完美/工作太拼命。”也许这是真实回答,但不幸的是,它会给面试官错误信息,他们习惯了听这些通用回答,会以为你想回避这个问题。

2. Be honest2. 要诚实
Dig deep into yourself and figure out whatyour true weaknesses are at work. Write them down on a sheet of paper, andfigure out which ones you can use in an interview. If you state a weaknessyou've struggled with, your answer will sound more honest. Some things thatwill help you come up with true weaknesses is to look at some of the challengesyou have faced in your previous jobs or think about constructive criticismyou've received from a manager.深入挖掘自己,找到真正的缺点。把它们写在纸上,看看哪些可以在面试的时候说。如果你说的是让你烦扰的缺点,听上去会更诚实。回想你在以前工作中遇到的困难,或是经理对你的有用批评,这样你能想起真正的缺点。

3. Avoid deal breakers3. 不要说会影响面试的缺点
Although we mention that you should behonest, it's also good to remember that there is such a thing as being toohonest. You need to avoid weaknesses that will hurt your chances of getting thejob. For example, say if you're applying for an HR position and you say thatyou're not good with people, or if you're trying for a sales job and you sayyou are bad at negotiating. This doesn't mean that you have to make up aweakness, but it's just preferable for you to pick another weakness that isn'ta deal breaker.虽然我们刚才提到你应该诚实,但也要记住别太诚实。你要避开那些会影响你得到工作的缺点。例如,申请人力资源的职位却说不善于与人相处,或者想做销售却说不擅协商。不是让你一定要编缺点,但是挑个不会影响面试的缺点会好一些。

4. Talk about your attempts to overcome yourweakness4. 要谈到你为克服缺点做的努力
Always talk about the steps you have takento overcome your weakness. This is your chance to show the interviewer thatalthough you have your flaws, you are proactive and resourceful enough toovercome them. In a way, your effort to conquer your weaknesses will be lookedat as a strength.要说你为克服缺点做的事。这是你向面试官证明的机会,让他们知道虽然你有缺点,但你会主动克服缺点,也有办法克服它们。在某种程度上,你为克服缺点做的努力会被视作优点。
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查看完整版本: 这些常见问题会让你在面试中丢分,一定要处理好