Japan’s Mount Sakurajima erupted for the 500thtime this year, covering a nearby city in ash. ThisSunday’s eruption was the volcano’s largest indecades. The volcanic smoke plume reached as highas 5,000 meters. Residents of nearby Kagoshima cityare used to the eruptions from one of Japan’s most active volcanoes. They shielded themselvesfrom the ash and smoke by wearing masks and raincoats, and using umbrellas. No injuries werereported. Japan has also experienced extreme weather this month, including a major heatwave, dangerous landslides, and massive flooding.日本樱岛火山今年第500次喷发,周边城市烟雾弥漫。周日,樱岛火山现几十年最大一次喷发。火山灰达5000米高。作为日本最活跃火山之一,鹿儿岛市居民已非常习惯。为躲避火山灰,人们口戴口罩,穿着雨衣,手持雨伞。无人员受伤报告。本月,日本还遭极端天气影响,包括热浪、山崩以及特大洪水。
哈哈哈,不知道大家看了吗:loveliness: :o这么严重 :o这么严重