不要伤感 这些都可以让你释怀
本帖最后由 2015吐槽专用 于 2015-7-23 19:04 编辑你一直都想做个简单的人,却活着了如此纠结的社会,你开始抗拒世间繁华住进你的内心,却忽略了有一种心叫守不住,瞬间四季显得苍白无力,但是不要伤感,温暖如太阳的人还是有的,何不在缓冲期间看看这些,学会做个知性、感性之人。看看这些爱情的经典语句吧,足够让你释怀。
1、电视剧《摇摆女郎》经历一场恋爱就像吃巧克力,就算你不用付巧克力的钱,也得付减肥的钱。译:Experience a falling in love like to eat chocolate, even if youdon't have to pay for chocolate, also have to pay for losing weight. 2、电视剧《好想好想谈恋爱》如果从表面效果来判断,爱情与其说像友谊,不如说像仇恨。译:If judged from the surface effect, love is considered to be haterather than friendship.
3、电影《欲望都市》也许有些女人注定是不会被驯服的,也许她们需要自由地奔跑,直到找到和她们一样享受自由的男人,同她们一起奔跑。译:Maybe some women are destined not to be tamed, maybe they need torun freely, until they find man who can enjoyfreedom the same as them, and then runtogether with them. 4、电影《2046》我曾经试做另外一个梦,然而,我却失败了。我终于明白,我的梦只属于那个离去的人。我也发现,有梦原来是一件痛苦的事!译:I tried to have another dream,however, I failed. I finally understood that my dream only belonged to theperson who left. I also found that dreaming was a painful thing! 5、电影《开往春天的地铁》我不知道该说什么,我只是突然在那一刻很想念她。译:I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss her very much at thatmoment.
6、电影《大城小事》我们太快的相识,太快的接吻,太快的发生关系,然后又太快的厌倦对方。译:We met too fast, kissed too fast, made love fast and then quicklywere tired of each other.